This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Direct the PM to invoke Article 50, Treaty on European Union for UK to exit now.

Instead of renegotiating our membership of the EU, get us out now. The UK will be better off with the ability to trade with the whole World freely, the ability to control our borders and have who we want and need coming to our country, control over our own affairs and retention of our sovereignty.

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What the UK signed up to in 1973 and then voted to remain a part of in 1975 has developed into something nobody voted for. The European Union is taking more and more control of our country away from our government. Pen pushers who are unelected in Brussels are running the country and we are subjected to their ridiculous rules and regulations more than anyone in the UK probably realises. It's time to take back control of our country and our lives. Say NO to the EU and what it has become.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

4,807 signatures

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