This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 Conservative government

Petition Reinstate compensation to sufferers of pleural plaque

I have been fighting for justice since 2007 with a number of trips to Parliament to speak to MPs asking for there support when the law lords sided with insurance companies to stop paying compensation to sufferers negligently exposed to asbestos

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Sir I am president of Swansea boilermakers gmb union and have had two early day motions put by my local MPs to no avail for justice for all .I represented ship wrights boilermakers & blacksmiths who worked during the war on the mulberry harbour and flaying chains on tanks to destroy mines on the Normandy beaches who suffered through being negligently exposed to asbestos .lets not fore-get them and give justice to all B T Legg.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

280 signatures

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