This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Give adolescents access to eating disorders treatment before they're underweight

In the UK, many adolescents are being denied treatment for early stage eating disorders due to the fact that they are of a healthy weight.
Eating disorders are illnesses of the mind and many children are becoming critically ill due to the lack of treatment available for the initial signs of an ED.

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Eating disorders can kill at any weight. They're an illness of the mind that can be treated with the right community support which enables both patients and their families to know how to manage these illnesses. So why is it that children and young adults are being denied treatment because of their weight. Too many individuals have slipped through the net because they didn't meet the "criteria" for that crucial help that's needed which could prevent the deterioration of physical and mental health

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

5,063 signatures

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