This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 Conservative government

Rejected petition End the 'tradition' of jeering in the House of Commons.

As John Bercow quite rightly pointed out, the public have a right to expect MPs to conduct themselves like adults rather than out of control schoolchildren. Important issues are raised and we have a right to hear them properly raised and answered.

More details

In 1386 William Shaetyng, the inventor of the Ravens at the Tower of London, introduced the "Hubbub, murmury and generyl maundery Bill" which defined acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in the Houses of Parliament. Shouting, laughing, jeering etc were not only allowed but encouraged, while spitting, whistling and clapping were banned. This may be regarded as "Tradition" but it is not acceptable conduct of so-called "adults" conducting the duties for which the taxpayers are paying them to do.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

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