This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Increase NHS Pay in Accordance with the Living Wage Increases

I propose for the NHS pay to me increased in line with the increase from National Minimum Wage to the new Living Wage. A 1% pay increase has been proposed for NHS employees as of April 2016, at the same time the new Living Wage will come in to play. The increase from NMW to Living Wage is 7.46%.

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I work for NHS on the Band 3 Agenda for Change payscale. At present I earn £17495 per annum. The 1% pay rise results in a new salary of £17669 > a gross increase of £15.33pm, subject to income tax and NI deductions.
The increase from NMW to Living Wage = 7.46% increase. Therefore there is only a £1.83/hr difference between me and someone on Living Wage, where before there was a £2.24/hr difference (NMW).
I propose that NHS should increase pay scales in line with 7.46% increase for others.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

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