This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Rejected petition Have UK Government discuss disregarding the vote for EU exit.
What follows any referendum vote next week for the United Kingdom to leave the EU? From a legal perspective, the immediate consequence is simple: nothing will happen.
What happens next in the event of a vote to leave is therefore a matter of politics not law.
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The relevant legislation did not provide for the referendum result to have any formal trigger effect. The referendum is advisory rather than mandatory.
What happens next in the event of a vote to leave is therefore a matter of politics not law. The UK government could seek to ignore such a vote; to explain it away and characterise it in terms that it has no credibility or binding effect. Or they could say it is now a matter for parliament, and then endeavour to win the parliamentary vote.
This petition was rejected
Why was this petition rejected?
It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.
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