This petition was submitted during the 2010–2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition Stop slaughter of Pilot Whales by Faroe Islands

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There is an annual ritual slaughter of Pilot Whales (Dolphins) by the Faroe Islanders each year. This slaughter is pointless, unnecessary and cruel. The Pilot Whales suffer great pain and cruelty as they are killed using hooks and other brutal devices.

Scientists now advise against the eating of Pilot Whale meat and blubber as it is heavily conraminated with mercury toxins. This slaughter is thus totally pointless and cruel.

We call on the government to exert its influence both through world organisations, agencies and directly to stop this slaughter of Pilot Whales.

We also call on the government to exert pressure for the worlwide cessation of all ritualised torture of animals for entertainment purposes, eg bull fighting, bull runs and all other such events.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

67 signatures
