This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Don't implement any of the new EU Motorbike Legisilation

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The EU will soon vote on new motorbike legislation which includes compulsory ABS, Anti-Tampering, Bikes older than 7 years banned form urban areas, Hi Vis etc.

All of these legislations infringe on our human rights as a motorbike rider, we don't see car drivers being banned from urban areas in cars older than 7 years.

All of the new legislations have been thought up by politicians who know nothing of riding a motorbike.

I for one am sick of motorbikes being blamed for all the problems when a lot of the time, it is the car driver at fault and yet we are the ones being punished.

So i call if this new legislation is put into effect that the UK government stands against implementing this and stands up for it's countries rights and riders.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,035 signatures
