This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Strengthen sentencing for criminal drivers who kill and maim innocent people.

5 people die on our roads each day; often criminal killer drivers walk free from court. 4 in 10 drivers who kill aren't jailed at all. Lenient sentences deeply offend families already torn apart by the devastation of losing a loved one. When a life is taken the punishment must reflect the crime.

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The government's own figures show the average sentence for a driver who kills is 4 years with automatic release after 2; this cannot be justified. Inadequate sentences fail to deter offenders and fail to give victims and families the justice they deserve. Criminal drivers are reckless not careless; they cause avoidable deaths and serious life shattering injuries. Brake, the road safety charity calls for changes to the criminal driving laws and stronger sentencing to deliver justice for victims.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

21,331 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 26 September 2016

The Government is aware of concerns about issues relating to serious driving offences and the maximum penalties for those offences.

Read the response in full

It is our intention to start a consultation to look at these issues before the end of the year.

Driving offences can have devastating consequences for victims and their loved ones. Sentencing in individual cases is always a matter for the courts, which are independent from government. When deciding what sentence to impose the courts take into account all the circumstances of the offence and any mitigating and aggravating factors, in line with statute and the sentencing guidelines.

The Government is committed to making sure that the courts have sufficient powers to deal with driving offences appropriately and proportionately, within the context of our wider sentencing framework.

Ministry of Justice

MPs want to hear your views on road safety

On Tuesday 6 December at 4.30pm, MPs will debate road safety and traffic accident prevention. The debate will be led by Barry Sheerman MP.

You can watch the debate live on Parliament TV:

Get involved:

Share your thoughts, experiences and questions that you would like to be asked in the debate with Barry Sheerman MP on Twitter using the hashtag #RoadSafetyDebate on Monday 5 December from 3-4pm.

This online discussion is organised by the UK Parliament Digital Outreach Team which works to involve the public in the work of the Parliament.

You can find out more information on the UK Parliament website:

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More about the Parliamentary debate:

Barry Sheerman MP successfully entered a ballot for this debate. This is one way backbench MPs can get debates in Parliament.

The debate will take place in Westminster Hall. You can find out more about Westminster Hall debates on the UK Parliament website: