This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Petition Change the NHS 24 week revival rule
At the moment doctors are under no legal obligation to help any babies born before 24 weeks gestation, from what doctors have told me this is because they say babies don't have developed lungs until 24 weeks. However the earliest baby to survive was born at just 21 weeks.
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3 years ago my son was born at just 20 weeks, he was born alive and fought for his life for 2 hours before taking his last breath. Doctors did nothing to help my baby because of the 24 week rule, and I'm sure there are hundreds of families in my situation. Like I said the earliest baby to survive was born at 21 weeks, the only reason the hospital helped her is because she lied about how far gone she was. The bottom line of a hospitals job is to keep people alive when they enter the hospital.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months