This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 Conservative government

Petition Save Bridgnorth and Ludlow Maternity Units

Bridgnorth and Ludlow MLU's are in danger of becoming birthing units and being closed over night.Please show your support and sign this petition.We need to fight to keep these amazing services open 24 hours a day as they are now.

More details

The CCG and SATH have been challenged regarding plans but no details have been announced yet about how rural maternity services will be funded beyond April 2017, when the current funding contract ends...Please sign this petition.We have growing support now for all 3 Maternity units: Bridgnorth,Ludlow and Oswestry .We have three campaigns running on Facebook each with over 1000 members, we have had media interest, gained support from our local town council and will be meeting with our local MP.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

2,294 signatures

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