This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Make the NHS pay for Bone Marrow Transplant For Adult Sickle Cell Patients

Bone marrow transplant offers a cure for some sickle cells patients, while children have access to this treatment under the NHS, adults do not, even though medical advances have made it a clinically safe procedure with an 85% success rate, in sickle cell adult patients treated in Europe and USA

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If the evidence exists internationally that patients could be cured of this disorder with a bone marrow transplant, there is a sense that UK sickle adult patients experience health inequalities around their treatment options and this contradicts NHS values. A successful bone marrow transplant means patients not enduring painful crises or recurrent hospitalisation. This saves the NHS money in the long run, enabling patients to lead healthy productive lives, and not being held hostage by illness

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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