This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition The establishment of UK legislation protecting Net Neutrality

The free and open internet as it is today has fostered innovation, provided access to information, and facilitated many cultural, economic and political opportunities across this world. It is a driver and tool of innovation, globally and here in the UK. And should be protected so it is not lost.

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With the Great Repeal Bill coming forward, we have concerns over the potential loss of protection to Net Neutrality. While the Broadcasters Stakeholders Group has a Code of Practise, this is a voluntary measure and if the UK was to open up contracts to global companies for future trade deals, this measure may not be enough to safeguard Net Neutrality here in Britain. We want the government to take early action and also establish the UK as a global leader in safeguarding a free and open internet.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

12 signatures

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