This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Retain Consultant Maternity, Neonatal and Childrens Services (inc Oncology) at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Shropshire

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Under current relocation proposals put forward by the CEO all Consultant Maternity services will move from RSH Shrewsbury to PRH
Telford along with all Neonatal services and paediatric inpatient services. The Children's Cancer ward built by public donations will be closed and also moved to Telford. The outline business case for this relocation clearly shows that there will be a reduction in beds on Maternity and the oncology unit will be smaller than currently. An assessment unit for ill children has been promised at RSH but will only be open for 11 hrs clinical time. Pregnant women and sick children from Mid Wales have to face a further 45 min journey to seek medical help. A 35,000 petition against the move in February showed the strength of feeling in Shropshire and Mid Wales but was all but ignored by the Trusts involved. Sign this petition and force Sec of State to review these plans and retain services in the HUB of Shropshire.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,261 signatures
