This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Introduce an emergency alert text system nationally
The UK is now on the highest terrorist threat level, yet again. I personally believe it is unacceptable that our general public are not notified of horrific events that happen, endangering our safety. I believe a system should be introduced, like in the USA, alerting the public via text.
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It could also be used to alert the public of missing people, etc. I feel unsafe walking in city areas so close to people knowing the horrific events that happened recently. If people were to be alerted, it'd give them a better chance of evacuating the area. Theresa May says an attack is imminent, we CANNOT wait until another attack happens to take action. The system in the US uses phone masts to alert everyone who's connected in the area. The President can alert the whole country at once too.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months