This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make 'Up To' internet package speeds illegal.

'Up To' internet speed packages plague the UK market and are used as an instant 'get out of jail free card' if the companies oversell or over promise on what customers are expecting. Customers are not able to accurately compare speeds and often receive much lower than is stated.

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Internet packages are often sold as 'Up To' speeds. A package 'Up to 100MBps' may in fact regularly provide 8MBps (8% of the expected speed). The Government should either:
A) Require the speed received to be no less than 80% of the speed advertised, (example "100MBps", min acceptable 80MBps)
B) Force companies to sell at the minimal acceptable speed, (example "From 80MBps").
If the speed paid for is not met for more than 1 hour the customer should not have to pay for that days costs.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

69 signatures

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