This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Law to reward public if they get proof of a driver illegally using mobile phone.

Police can't be everywhere to catch drivers who use their mobile phones whilst driving. This law rewards the public if they get irefutable video or photo evidence of the driver using a mobile while driving. The reward will be a proportion of the fine after successful prosecution.

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This would empower the public whilst detering potential offending drivers. Nobody would dare touch their phone while driving if they thought the person walking their dog, standing at the bus stop, cyclist with a helmet camera etc was watching and waiting for them to touch their phone. Evidence would be presented with a time, date and place to be admissable to the authorities with vehicle model, registration and driver clearly using their phone in a manner contravening current UK laws.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

103 signatures

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