This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Formally identify Accident and Emergency Departments as a UK Emergency Service

Nurses and Doctors working in Accident and Emergency departments deal with life and death on a daily basis. They are currently not seen as an "Emergency Service" in the UK along with Police, Ambulance, Fire or Coastguard.

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1) Formally identified as an emergency service by the government.

2) Sentencing guidelines to be amended to show an offence of assault against any member of staff working in the accident and emergency setting (including other staff assessing patients in the accident and emergency setting) to be shown as an aggravating factor in the Magistrates Sentencing Guidelines.

3) To make an amendment to the Emergency Workers Act 2006 to include Accident and Emergency department workers.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

47 signatures

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