This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Parliament to debate meaning and functioning of democracy in Britain

The government’s reply to a petition calling for a referendum on any deal with the European Union misunderstands democracy, a process whereby nothing is set it stone. We want to hear, on behalf of the British people, what parliament thinks democracy is in Britain, and how it will uphold it.

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The reply says that there can be no attempt to reverse the result of a narrowly won, advisory referendum, as it is the will of the people.Yet the will of the people last June overturned a 2015 election and did not deliver a government majority. The petition was not calling for a second referendum on leaving the EU (which would be a third after 1975 and 2016) but a first referendum on the exit deal (it seems pointless to call for a debate on the DeXEUs reading and comprehension skills).

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

134 signatures

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