This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Magazines legally required to disclose when models have been photoshopped.

1.6 million people in the UK suffer from eating disorders. I believe some of this comes from the high pressure placed on women and men to be thin and toned.
One main source of this is because of the beauty standards upheld in our magazines. Women and men are photo shopped into the "perfect" figure.

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There is such a high pressure on people to fit into the mould that is projected through magazines. This mould for women is thin, toned, bid breasts, big bum and perfect skin. For men the mould is lean and muscly, six-pack and a large package.

Pictures in magazines cannot be something people aspire to be because they aren't real body expectation.

France has already introduced this law to help defeat eating disorders and promote a healthy body image, I believe we should too.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

50 signatures

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