This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Make the use of inhumane cat deterrents a criminal offence
As a cat owner, I was shocked when my neighbour placed a row of over thirty rusty, three inch nails along the fence dividing our gardens. I rang the police, the council and the housing association to be told there was nothing i could do as he owns the fence. Both households have children and pets.
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Any sort of spikes or jagged projections including any made aggressive topping or addition to a wall or fence including carpet gripper, broken glass and nails that are a danger to humans or animals should be illegal. We should not have to live in fear of our family members (Including pets) being harmed in our own homes. Currently it is only an offence if the fence is on land adjoining a public highway, not a home.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months