This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make cervical scans compulsory for anyone that has received cervical treatment

In Feb 2012 I underwent a LLETZ procedure to remove CIN 2 pre-cancerous cells from my cervix. When I fell pregnant in October 2014 I had an appointment with a medical registrar who advised there would be no effect on my pregnancy. In March 2015 my waters broke at 24 weeks & my son passed away.

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At the time nobody was aware of what had caused my waters to break as I had received no monitoring during my pregnancy. Had I received cervical scans like I did in my subsequent pregnancy they would have been able to diagnose me with Incompetent Cervix & put a stitch in to save my son.

Due to the amount of cells that were removed I was deemed to be 'low risk'. So if a low risk patient can lose a child then anybody can and this is totally unnecessary heartbreak that could have been prevented.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

484 signatures

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