This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Allow and run a referendum in Wales to decide the future of the Welsh Assembly.
Over the past 20 years the many in Wales have become dissatisfied by the unnecessary bureaucracy known as the Welsh Assembly (WA). Due to its ineffective and costly intervention at all levels of Welsh life it's time to have another referendum to allow us to decide if the WA should continue or not.
More details
There are many reasons why the Welsh Assembly (WA) should be dissolved. These include excessive running costs each year. A growing North/South Wales divide in terms of investment. Anything that the WA does could be done by Welsh MPs in government. The WA has gone against the wishes of Wales on leaving the EU. It appears to be nothing but a talking shop for already failed ideas and now wants to take on the role of government imposing laws and taxes that would further divide us from the UK.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months