This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Higher the tax free amount from £11500 to £15000

The Average family who works is struggling to make ends meet due to them being taxed. The inflation to normal living goes up every year but yet the tax free amount remains the same at £11,500 when the average family needs to earn £15,000 a year to survive and remain off benifits.

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£11,500 a year Is tax free which at this rate it equals roughly £958 a month. An average family will need to earn £288 a week to meet basic demands of live, if we was multiple this by 52 weeks it equals £15,000 which should be tax free.

The tax on the living is making it harder for families to make ends meet families are being forced to be on benefits which then this is making it harder for the working class.

So if the tax free amount was higher this will help more people being able to live.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

52 signatures

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