This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Increase the hourly funding rate for Early Years Education
Early Years Funding is in Crisis!
National Living Wage is increasing by 4.4% in April. Employer pension contributions are increasing to 2% at the same time.
Guess how much our funding has gone up by?
Early years providers are closing, please sign and save FREE Early Years Education!
More details
We have to sign a contract stating it is ILLEGAL for us to get parents to pay top ups to cover the short fall in funding. Not that they should of course, as the government advertise it as FREE childcare after all!
No other business has what it can charge their customers dictated to them. The government control what we receive and what we can charge and the result is a deficit for most providers.
Please help is get an increase in funding, in line with the increase of business costs.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months