This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Waive liability of dog owners when an intruder is attacked in the home.

It seems there is a lot of confusion and unclear legislation regarding ‘liability’ if an intruder is bitten by a dog in the dogs home? This needs clarifying urgently along with clarity in respect to signage placed at the property, it should also be legislated in the view of protecting non criminals.

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A dog is naturally territorial although a lot of breeds, usually smaller would not attack an intruder due to size difference, a lot of perfectly well rounded large breeds would indeed feel threatened by an intruder entering ‘their’ secure territory. I am an ex British Army dog handler and find it abhorrent that the government cannot back up its citizens in a way they should. A person can be educated on the laws of ‘minimum force deemed necessary’ but how do you teach a dog not to defend itself.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

82 signatures

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