This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Increase the National Minimum Wage to £10 per hour.

The National Minimum wage in the UK needs an immediate increase to £10 per hour to provide an acceptable living standard for hardworking people. The government has re-branded NMW as 'Living Wage' and this is wrong as the Living Wage Foundation states it should be £8.75 for UK and £10.20 for London.

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The cost of living is rising year on year and the nation needs to be rewarded for our hard work. £10 an hour isn't for holidays and lavish spending, it is to cover basic living costs. The UK economy would benefit from extra tax receipts and increased manufacturing output as people could spend more.
In a time when MP's earn £74,962 basic pay and claim expenses on top and a worker on Minimum Wage averages £13500 before tax and has to pay for work expenses is it too much to ask for £10 per hour?

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

66 signatures

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