This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Introduce fairer funding for schools in Yorkshire via a ‘Yorkshire Challenge’
In 2016 an IPPR study found that northern secondary schools received over £1,300 less per pupil than their London equivalent and primary schools suffer a £900 per pupil gap. At the time of releasing the figures IPPR North called upon the Government to address this via a ‘Powerhouse premium’.
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The turn around in London academic achievement since the ‘London Challenge’ has driven the number of pupils in the capital with five GCSE A to C grades to over 60%. It can be argued that a premium investment is made into London due to higher living costs but the IPPR North study found this to be not the case, in fact it found that northern schools should receive compensation for having a harder job than those in London. It is time for Yorkshire to have a ‘Yorkshire Challenge’ and fair funding.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months