This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make it a Law for ALL Councils to log/record any Deceased/Injured cats !

When my cat went missing 24th Nov 17, I was told by the council that they do NOT log cats found, I want a system to be made compulsory, whereby a record is kept of cats found deceased or injured. I was informed that most are thrown into garbage vehicles and treated as rubbish. THIS HAS TO STOP !

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Most owners call their local council asking if their beloved furbaby has been picked up by street cleaners/bin men etc. My local council advised me that while a few caring street cleaners will kindly take a cat to the nearest vet, most do not and heartlessly dispose of them without a thought, leaving devastated owners needlessly searching for their family pet. With the huge news at present about cruelty/mutilation towards cats, its imperative to record these pets for possible investigations.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

48 signatures

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