This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Ban the use of strobe lighting!

Epilepsy is a common condition but unfortunately very much overlooked. The use of strobe lighting at public events such as theaters, cinemas and even on t.v is restricting the ability of epileptic people to enjoy such luxuries. Strobe lighting is effecting peoples lives and it should be stopped!

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More and more things are introducing strobe lighting or flashing images without warning and it's becoming a serious issue to myself and others health. Epilepsy is a serious condition and more people need to be aware of it, moreover, people who are hosting such events need to take into account that strobe lighting may effects certain members of the audience. After all there are other ways of making a scene look dramatic without the use of strobe or flashing lights.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

56 signatures

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