This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Undertake due diligence on Severn tolling to consider extending beyond end-2018

The abolition of the tolls will have serious economic consequences for the locality as resulting traffic growth impacts an already severely congested motorway network. A tolling extension will assist in the alleviation of congestion at little additional cost and aid WAG with relief road project time

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The M4 network in Wales is not equipped for the expected post-tolls traffic growth. Without the tolls ‘buffer’ any perceived financial boost to the economy will be effectively lost in the ensuing traffic chaos. The introduction of an extended tolling sliding scale regime (designed to collect 2018 tolls over 2018-2021) will have long lasting benefits. It will not compromise DfT debt recovery, end-users will not be financially disadvantaged, and it offers WAG a time extension for its relief scheme

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

78 signatures

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