This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Fund programme for more public information about when to call for an ambulance

The amount of unnecessary or non life threatening calls that are made to emergency services in particular the ambulance service is too high. There needs to be some form of public communication clearly stating when to dial 999. I.e. televised adverts

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This christmas period alone in the east anglian and north east areas of the country received 10,000 phone calls. This is too great a number for the ambulance services to cope with. There will be a high percentage of those calls would not have been life threating. The general public need to be made aware when it is acceptable to dial 999, this would ease pressure for staff when faced with real emergencies. Maybe in the form of televised adverts at peak tines when adults and children will see them

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

53 signatures

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