This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Ban the sale of wild caught species in the pet trade

Reptiles and fish are the most affected. 100s species of fish have gone extinct over the last 100 years because of the pet trade as they have been taken from their homes. It’s the same with reptiles, invertebrates and mammals.

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Imagine being a tortoise living in the desert and one day someone comes, puts you in a cage, ships you off to somewhere you don’t know and before you know it you are behind glass, ready to be sold to people - many of whom don’t treat their pets right . Many animals die in the transportation from their homes to the pet shop . Fish are caught using cyanide, divers spray it on the coral reef to paralyse the fish then catch them and take them to be exported worldwide. This is wrong it needs to end.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

53 signatures

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