This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Make crossing patrols mandatory outside schools and consistency in policing area
Recently we as parents have been worried about the kids crossing a main road with no patrol. Although these services are not mandatory they should be. Children can not see over the parked cars outside of schools, this then heightens the risk for children crossing the road. Consistency
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This is an issue all over in many schools and it’s down to parents really. Many parents of running late or whatever reason seem to think the yellow zigzag lines are drop off or pick up points, when in fact they are putting other children in danger. Its Time to clampdown and do something about it.we need to solve the issue make these areas mandatory to have a crossing whether it be a pelican, zebra crossing or a crossing patrol. Something needs done. More than just a fine as it’s not preventing this
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months