This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Make the locking of school toilets during class time illegal.
It is an awful process for teenage females who require access to the nearest toilet and for everyone who has medical conditions that require quick access to the toilet. Also, using the toilet is a necessary process. Requiring to find a teacher is not appropriate!
More details
Finding an appropriate member of staff with a key is a time-consuming process and isn't fast. Therefore under 'The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992' - Regulation 21 #188 - 'Sufficient toilet and washing facilities should be provided to allow everyone at work to use them without unreasonable delay.' [] and Regulation 21 #190 in the same Act, 'Facilities should be located so they are convenient...' I believe locking school toilets fails to meet the criteria and these same rights should be applied to students. Having to find a member of staff, without knowing where they would be, takes time and I, with many others, argue that it is an 'unreasonable delay'!
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months