This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Split Leeds and Bradford City Councils into smaller district councils.
Leeds & Bradford City Councils are too large to focus of individual communities. On greenbelt protection, providing cheaper housing on brownfield sites, transport & modernising infrastructure, local people's views are often ignored. Smaller councils would be accountable to more localised voters.
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Leeds & Bradford City Councils planned too much housing for greenbelt sites & failed to act sufficiently on local views. This would have defeated the objectives of greenbelt by merging communities with urban sprawl & destroying their historical character. Leeds' revised plans still have greenbelt in reserve for development as "Broad Locations".
An Act of Parliament could restore councils which existed before 1974, such as Aireborough, Horsforth, Keighley, Morley, Pudsey, Shipley & Wharfedale.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months