This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make it statutory requirement for schools to consult parents about GCSE re-marks

Pupil failed GCSE by 1 mark. School said exam sent for re-mark. Without parent consultation, school only requested 1 component of exam be re-marked. We assumed whole exam was re-marked and would have requested this if had been asked. Extra mark not found & deadlines closed to get other paper marked.

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Schools are making decisions about GCSE re-marks without consulting parents as the JCQ Guidance does not state they must consult parents in decisions. In this case the School negligently sent a component for a re-mark that had met the grade boundary for a pass and did not send the component that needed 1 more mark for a pass despite this component being worth 60% of the mark. Exam board have confirmed that there were more marks on the unsent component. School should have sent both to find 1 mark

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

59 signatures

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