This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Repeal the ‘Licensing Act 2003’ and restore the ‘Licensing Act 1921’

Binge drinking has become a huge cultural problem in the UK in our towns and cities. People’s selfish behaviour accounts for 12 - 15% of attendances at emergency departments due to acute alcohol intoxication. This peaks to about 70% on Friday, Saturday nights, Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

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Return to older licensing laws where “on” and “off” premises sales of alcohol be restricted to 9 hours in the metropolis, 8 and a half hours elsewhere and 5 hours on sundays and bank holidays. The “Licensing Act 1921” requires a two hour interval and opening hours were 11am - 11pm in London and 11am - 10pm elsewhere. This will create a culture change and reverse some of the ill effects of the liberalisation of the licensing act in 1988.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

53 signatures

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