This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Extend Abdulla Alhindawe's UK Visa
Abdulla Alhindawe is a courteous young, social and friendly person. As some of you may know Abdulla was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 2017 and fought the battle and won. The NHS recommends for anyone who has been diagnosed with Lymphoma to stay in the UK for 5 years after treatment is complete.
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However Abdulla is in the UK because of his dad coming to the UK on a student visa. Abdulla was due to go back to Iraq in June 2017 but to his illness his visa was extended to April 2018, meaning Abdulla will have to leave at the start of April 2018. Where Abdulla lives in Iraq there is a 50% chance of death by bombing at any given moment. Also his visa was not extended to consider the 5 years that NHS recommends to anyone diagnosed with Lymphoma.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months