This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make lymph sparing liposuction for lipedema available on the NHS

Lipedema/lipoedema is a fat disorder- affecting around 11% of the female population. While some ladies are able to get the needed treatment (postcode lottery anyone?), the majority are left out in the cold by the NHS. The condition is painful and progressive, and these ladies need help.

More details

Lipedema is quite unknown, and the only known treatment to reduce the fatty build up, is lymph sparing liposuction. The NHS states this ( but class treatment as cosmetic.

Untreated, lipedema can then progress and become lipo-lymphema - lymphedema is currently treated with liposuction under the NHS. Ladies should not have to progress to this stage before they're offered treatment!

Please help us get the treatment we need.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,342 signatures

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