This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Provide nationwide equal access to suitable wheelchairs to all who need one.

Wheelchair provision for people with disabilities is currently the responsibility of local NHS services. Eligibility criteria vary by postcode meaning unequal access. Criteria and equipment provided are often unsuitable, meaning many are left housebound and unable to live independently.

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People with disabilities have unequal access to wheelchairs depending on where they live. We ask the government to standardise eligibility criteria and provision across the nation to ensure equal access.

Power chairs are not provided for use outside the home. This means people who can walk only in the home but cannot self-propel are not provided a chair at all, so remain housebound.

We ask the government to provide a suitable wheelchair to each person who needs one to live an independent life.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

47 signatures

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