This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Urge the UN to refer Southern Cameroons (SC) impasse to the ICJ.

There are serious human rights violations taking place in the Anglophone-speaking areas of Cameroon including killings, arrests, torture, disappearances, rape and the razing of whole villages after protests against assimilation. The SC impasse must be referred to the ICJ to solve this crisis.

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In 1961, instead of properly decolonising SC, Britain and the United Nations effectively annexed SC to RC. After unjustly ruling out full independence for SC, the self rule envisaged by UNGA Res 1608 (XV) of 21/04/61 in a federation of two states equal in status was never properly implemented. Today, our Anglo-Saxon educational, legal, economic and socio-cultural systems are under attack by RC assimilationists.

We want the ICJ to rule in favour of a referendum for us to determine our future.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

57 signatures

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