This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Provide Medway funding to build Abbey court special needs secondary school

Abbey court is the only school in medway which caters for profoundly disabled children.There is not enough places at the secondary school due to it being to small and not purpose built for disabled children. We are calling on the government to help fund the build of a secondary school

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Abbey court primary moved to a new site in 2017. Medway ran out of money to build the secondary site(land and permission to build is there).Medway stipulated that abbey court primary has to take on ex amount of extra pupils per year, which had now caused there not to be enough secondary spaces therefor our children will be sent out of borough or placed in residential school miles away from loved ones or pulled out of the education system. Every child has a right to education disabled or not

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

3,824 signatures

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