This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Negotiate a deal to keep the UK in the Digital Single Market

We, the undersigned, call upon HM Government to specifically negotiate the UKs future relationship to the Digital Single Market in the final Brexit deal. Ignoring the digital economy would put the UK’s future prosperity and thousands of jobs unnecessarily at risk.

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The digital economy is borderless yet depends on consumer trust and business confidence. Leaving the Digital Single Market will tax that confidence in more ways than one. We ask the HM Government to start being responsible for publicly addressing:
(1) future relations to EU agencies such as ENISA and EDPB
(2) participation in EU funded research
(3) regulatory alignment to EU rules for telecoms (incl. free roaming), data protection, consumer rights, audio visual media services, and copyright.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

68 signatures

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