This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Cut Overseas Aid budget by 50% & give £7bn saved to NHS, rather than more taxes.

UK commits to UN target that each country gives 0.7% of GNI (Gross National Income) for Overseas Aid. Only 6 (inc UK) of the 28 participants achieve target - average for all is 0.30% - (OECD 2015). UK pays c10% of total - ie £14bn of £140bn. As NHS is in need, £7bn could save it. Charity at home!

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Source 2015 OECD.

The other 5 countries hitting the target are: Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden - all relatively small economies, with positive attitudes to aid.

The other members of the G8 seem to have an alternative attitude: USA 0.17%, Japan 0.22%, Russia 0%, Canada 0.28%, Italy 0.21%, Germany 0.52%, France 0.37%.

If we went to half of what we currently pay, we'd still be achieving 0.35%; still more than all other G8 members apart from Germany and, marginally, France.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

53 signatures

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