This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Fund a 24-hour suicide text line

Many people suffer from severe anxiety and may not feel comfortable making phone calls to crisis teams or suicide helplines so they avoid calling which could put them in danger. Text lines could be quicker, easier and more comfortable for younger people as well as people with severe anxiety.

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‘The share of device owners saying they make at least one voice call a week has dropped down from 96% to 75% over the past three years, according to research carried out by Ipsos Mori for Deloitte.’ Taken from The Guardian. This shows people are using phone calls less and less so making 24 hour text lines may make more people reach it for help when they need it. Texting is quicker but it can also help people feel more comfortable with opening up so they could be more honest to get the help needed.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

105 signatures

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