This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Allow working parents free childcare ALL YEAR up to the age of 10.

Working a full time job and having children is hard! Reagrdless of whether you are single or a couple. The general work place gives 23ish days holiday while children are given 11 weeks, with no family network to rely on childcare is very costly, almost to the point of it not being worth working.

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You feel guilty if you do work and guilty if you dont! If you want us to work and input into society, help us!
It would be easier to go on benfits and watch my children grow up.
Help is really needed here! So many people are working just to pay for childcare not to mention how many must be left alone.
Let us have a quality of life with our children.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

73 signatures

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