This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Classify professional avoidable negligence as a criminal act

Of course mistakes happen, but too many are avoidable, and are classified as 'civil'. Many are not subject to criminal investigation, when sometimes this should be the case. 'Individuals' should also be held accountable. This would be a deterrent and lower the authority compensation liability.

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Professionals with a duty of care be it medical, social care, community or residential care that cause avoidable physical or mental harm, abuse, neglect or death through direct involvement and incorrect decision making, should be fully investigated through the justice system and the crown prosecution service and charged with criminal neglect. The logic is that it would encourage professionals to think twice and provide a strong deterrent when making hasty, rash and bias life changing decisions.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

55 signatures

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