This petition was submitted during the 2010–2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition A new law to completely ban all music videos that are unfit for day-time viewing.

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Some are becoming increasingly sexual & violent & many of us feel embarrassed when viewing them or live in dread of our children seeing them - all of us should have the right to view a music video without such worries. It seems that there is not much in the way of the artists & producers to stop them adding such content to their videos & as a result, it's getting worse. Musicians have an impact on culture & it's a great cause for concern. Musicians must be responsible & have greater respect for those that buy their music (young & old) & the only way to change the situation would be to ban all videos that do not meet day-time standards. Using age restrictions or allowing this material after the watershed will not protect children - they will become curious & find a way around it. It also disregards respectful adults who do not want to view such material & shows our acceptance of it. Please don't let us forget that it's a music industry & restrictions should never have been needed.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

6 signatures
