This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 Conservative government

Petition Stop intrusive access to counselling notes, in rape and sexual assault cases.

If a victim reports a sexually violent crime, they will be told they are entitled to solo/group counselling but will be strongly advised to take neither until after the trial. This is due to lawyers attaining access to counselling notes and potentially using their words against them in court.

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Only 15% of sexual violence is reported to the police, and approximately 90% of those who are raped know the perpetrator before the offence. A victim of a crime of this nature should be able to speak emotionally and freely in a safe space, with a counsellor, without being worried about potential repercussions in court.

This depraved law is not only morally wrong and wholly unjust. It is undoubtedly detrimental to a victims' mental health and needs to be challenged.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

5,750 signatures

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